Thursday, November 4, 2010

On a black and white kick...

I've always liked Sally Mann's work, but I suppressed this fondness in my early years of school because it seemed like a cliche admiration seeing as I knew very little of the larger world of fine art photography. After being introduced to new photographers on a daily basis, her work got lost in the mix until junior year, when I began research for my senior thesis. This is when I saw What Remains, a documentary film on one of Sally Mann's recent bodies work and it blew me away!

What Remains was inspired by loss of life and what happens when we pass. Sally's literal interpretation of the topic shows her dedication to exploring this topic without boundaries. Based on this work alone, Sally has returned to the top of my list of all time favorite photographers.
Every time I view this work,  I regret not taking a large format class in college and I think about how much stronger my work could be.

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